So, before explaining or uttering some logic on some existing myths and on some fairy tales in our "Religious Indian Society" one thing I would like to tell is that through this piece of crap I don’t want to hurt anyone’s so called sentiments and beliefs, but I am bounded with my in born instinct of hurting and playing with people's emotions – Unintentionally – so can't help it....:P
Ø People say there are some 33,000,000 gods and goddess in our Hindu mythology; I’d rather say full-time Gods and Goddess!
I always wondered how it was possible; how one could calculate the actual number of Gods, knowing the fact that there was no ZERO system in that era. Invention of ZERO took place in India by Great Mathematician Aryabhatta some 1500 years ago. So if the above mentioned number is true, then I’ll say the counting of our Gods must have happened somewhere around 1200 years ago from now OR either Aryabhatta invented a time machine travelled all the way to “Satyuga” and told the actual number to those people.
Second, if the above mentioned numbers of Gods are true then I must depreciate the reproduction skills of human beings, because some 2000 years ago human population was around two crore! It means the ratio of human is to God would be 1:16…… 16 Gods per human….....*Peace Everywhere* ….: P
Ø People say our Gods spoke in Sanskrit, wore well designed gold Jewelry and would put up at some mountains with their respective “Vahana” or mount...
Well if this is the case, I would like to tell you that Sanskrit arrived in the Indian Sub-Continent from the north-west some 4000 years ago from now, Sanskrit is a member of the Indo-Iranian sub-family of the Indo-European family of languages. So logically how can our "Eternal" Gods speak in Sanskrit OR either God would speak in non verbal language?
How can they wear gold ornaments, when Egyptians found and made use of gold only some 5000 years ago?
They say Gods reside on The Great Himalaya's with their respective mounts, But I don't understand how a Cow, or a peacock and a mouse could survive in the extremist condition of The Himalaya's, how could a tiny mouse carry a huge hefty God…
One more thing, How come our Gods never choose a mount which is not found in India, for e.g. Cheetah, Kangaroo, Zebra, Giraffe and Hawk…..Partial they were, may be…. :D. In addition, I always wonder, did these animals exist in that era...? I mean the present elephants, tigers, lions, peacock and many other animals came into existence some 5000 years ago…..but I can’t deny the fact that the early ancestor of these animals came into existence some 50-70 million years ago.
Ø Some say Gods are eternal and existed from the beginning…According to our mythology Lord Brhama created Manu, the very first human being - some million or billion years ago –
This seems a little awkward knowing the fact that early humans or I’ll say Homo-sapiens came into existence about 200,000 years ago, reaching full behavioral modernity around 50,000 years ago…
After going through my “Logic” if you put some “Logic” of yours too you’ll see that Gods and Goddess existed somewhere around 5 to 6 thousand years ago, Didn’t they?
Through this I am not mocking on Gods or on some invisible mean of support, but yes on You, Your beliefs and Your thoughts, Theist’s…. :)
Once a great American Writer & Naturalist, Joseph Wood Krutch has said that "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence”
May be I am, May be not... WRONG!!
Dedicated to all my Theist friends and foes …
With Love, Wit and a little Sarcasm…
Dear blogger I think what you are trying to prove here is connect your scientific theories with the mythical truths.... but I would say SCIENCE- Its a never ending process...I mean if you would have said that earth is round decades back, or maybe we have more than nine planets few year back then the same contradiction could have taken place. You can never connect SCIENCE with belief or I should say religion. So your history dates/knowledge can't challenge what you have got from your deep past...:)
ReplyDeleteI get the fact well what you are trying to portray, but you should have been more explicit while stating your logics.
ReplyDeleteThe idea to mock theists is ok, but i am sure you even in today's world would be believing few of them. So you are already in the league of theists. questioning others when you are one of them seems obscure.
But something that has taken the limelight of your blog is "Once a great American Writer & Naturalist, Joseph Wood Krutch has said that "Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence”..
Your blog soon will turn into a battlefield..
ReplyDeleteWell said. and well written.
ReplyDeleteyou actually could have mentioned a lot more things. and this could have been one endless topic.
but with just a couple of pointers. it shows the noticing skills.and is enough of some.
i second you on your thoughts. :)
Well Well..thats the typical you!!
ReplyDeletei love it kaby!!
all truth no lie!!
super awesome!! :D
If the facts are true, this would be EPIC..
ReplyDeleteLooks like u and me very much haha :P
ReplyDeletewhereas at the end i don't agree to urs u don't to mines but both of us have enough facts to prove our points ;)
kabeer: not here to prove just giving my opinion
bumi : yeah i know ryt :P
keep writing cuz it gets me thinking :P kabulikabeera
Supa Mast ;) Liked it :D
ReplyDeleteMe being an atheist find that you have tackled the questions of theists in a very naive way. This almost seems like a tongue-in-cheek article mocking atheism, in some parts. Fact is, science has theories that religion cannot justify. But religion too has theories that science can't justify. Attacking the wrong points will not help prove anything.
ReplyDeleteyou need to do more research to know actual facts about the existence of god. Some of the gods are created by the human imagination. Man analyzed natural forces more powerful than him, so projected them in the form of deities. God can be felt by self introspection or self realization. Its the ethereal feeling. Putting your head in half baked logic would make you rummage your head in more perplexing situation. I believe you need to be well researched on this topic....
ReplyDeleteआप ने जो भी लिखा है में उस के तारीफ़ करता हूँ लेकिन साथ साथ यह सलाह भी देता हूँ के कृपा कर के थोड़ा और पढ़ के आप को यह लिखना चाहिये था. आप का लेख मुझे थोड़ा हास्यादपद भी लगा कोई नहीं शायद आप को यह मालूम ही नहीं है की असल में हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार सिर्फ तीन देवतोओ से ही ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना हुए है वह ब्रह्मा विष्णु और महेश यानि की शंकर, बाकी 32 999997 उन्ही के स्वरुप है जिनका श्रृष्टि की उत्पत्ति के काफी वर्षो के बाद लोगो को ज्ञान हुआ. अब बात आप के शून्य की तो महाराज शून्य तो मात्र एक सांकेतिक बिंदु है जब शून्य नहीं था तब लोग उस जगह किसी और चिन्ह का प्रयोग किया करते थे. जादा जानकारी विकिपीडिया से आप को मिल जायेगा.
ReplyDeleteआप के बाकी सवालो का जवाब भी मैं बाद में देने की कोशिश करूँगा जो के बुहत ही अतार्किक (ill-logical) हैं
आपका शुभ चिंतक
Agree with Kabir.........Whats being written or what we know has no or very limited degree of truth. History is being written under the supervision of ruling kings. So it is heavily manipulated by kings will. So all the story and Granthas are written according to kings will. For instance in Mahabharath the real name of Dushasan was Sushan and the real name of Durayodhan is Suyodhan.
ReplyDeleteSince they were on the loosing side they were depicted as evil in Mahabharat. And to do that omission of su before their name was considered essential by then kings.
Okay one question I want to post???? why do gods incarnated in the form of king. Why not a common sainik, or dwarpal.
Despite me being a highly religious person you kabir, make me think 100 times on this.
ReplyDeletehowever, i have some points to contradict on your CRAP, but still it's one masterpiece...
keep sharing your logic
Shipra :)
I had to read this about 4 times to make sure I wasn't reading Shit, i so agree on your logic but you can't justify the existence or non-existence of god with some points of history and science
ReplyDeletebtw a nice article worth reading, thoroughly enjoyed..
keep posting interesting stuff...
waiting for one more
well said kabeera ;) keep writing i simply find your blogs incredible !
ReplyDeleteकाफी रिसर्च की है तुमने कबीर... हालांकि इस विषय पर सारी रिसर्च भी फेल हो जाती है :-P आस्था के आगे इंसान खुदको अंधा बना लेता है.. खुशी होती है उन लोगों की बाते जानकर जिनकी आस्था अंधी नहीं... मज़ेदार लेख...
ReplyDeleteWow.. looks like you did a lot of 'research' do you speak sanskrit? Are you a geologist? Have you ever read a religious book. Any of them? Geeta Quoraan Bible ? Any ? Are you an anthropologist too? Have you read a poem ever ? Do you know what idioms are ? You sute seem to talk a lot about logic. So when i say 'Naach na jaane angan tedha' are you going to give me a lecture on how i am stupid saying that the angan is tedha? Or are you gonna ask me about dance ? Well you are not an atheist you are just an antitheist. Now please don't give me logic and just try to understand what i mean. If you can.
ReplyDeletearey JADE bhai kehna kyaa chahte ho?